C. Tagged 8 Victims 1. Bee - You're missing me right? 2. William - You need to get a girl. 3. Didie - MAKCIK!!!! :P 4. WooZP - I believe your last update was in 2005? 5. Fina - Cos she's damn hot, a fine LICKING specimen ;) 6. Looi - MUAAACKS!! 7. Leli - Meeeep. Meeeep. 8. Andy - TAG!!! MUAHAHAHHAH!! NASI LEMAK!! Edit: 9. POLT - Just when we thought he forgot all about the internet, he makes a sudden appearance. Penalty for too little updates my friend. I know it says 8, but I care not! MUAHAHAHA |
So, it happened that Imran tagged me. The question contains three part, namely:
A. 8 Different Points of a Perfect Lover
B. Sex of Target
C. Tagged 8 Victims
Hmmm. Anyway, i'm not going to answer the questions for the following reasons:
1) Imran broke the law: he could only name 8 persons to be tagged. So, pls meet my lawyer first :P
2) He insulted me about me forgetting the internet :P HEHE!