
Monday, May 31, 2004

Which way?

Short Update:
I read a joke in my Reader's Digest, page 30, June 2004 issue. (It is under "Our 50 Best Ever Jokes". I looked at their website and found out that it was being published in their website too! Click here!) I admit that I laughed out loud my stomach hurt. Below is the joke:

Separated from his travel group in the Sahara Dessert, a tourist begged a passing nomad for water. "Sorry," said the tribesman. "I have no water, but i do have a selection of lovely ties for sale."

"You must be crazy," the tourist replied. Close to death from thirst, he saw another nomad. "Water!" he gasped. "Give me some water."

"I have no water," came the reply, "only these handsome ties that i'd be glad to sell to you."

The tourist stumbled on until, to his astonishment, he saw a magnificent hotel far in the distance. Crawling at last into the lobby, he croaked, "Please give me water."

"I'm sorry, sir," the doorman said. "We don't let anyone in without a tie."

Funny, right?

I read it again and again and one thought came to me. If the tourist took some time to think and find the reason on why the nomads sold ties after the second meet, then he would not face the problem of not getting admission to the hotel, resulting no water for him (and of course, on the verge of death!). Instead, he chose to think that they were crazy!

We face the same thing in our daily life, so watch out which way you want to choose: find the reason and the best course of action, or think everything has gone nuts and crazy!

Friday, May 28, 2004

YM Session : Time Machine!

Out of nowhere, my colleague opened a conversation about time travelling. It's of course a nice topic, and scientist has been discussing about it for long. A lot of movies have been directed out of this theme. And since in my office, almost of my colleagues are movie buff, we love to, sometimes, discuss about it in crazy way. :P

Below is a typical YM session between me and them.

roll_fs remember the time machine..?
m_yusof_y HG Wells
m_yusof_y y?
roll_fs remember the purpose he build the time machine..?
m_yusof_y i havent read the novel, nor watch the movie
m_yusof_y of course for time travelling,rite?
roll_fs he build the time machine to go back in time to save his girlfriend from being murdered..
roll_fs but everytime he goes back and try to save the girfriend it turned out to be more and more tragic.. he realises he cannot change the past..
m_yusof_y loves involve huh?
m_yusof_y not for pure scientific experiment
m_yusof_y hehe!
m_yusof_y You know what?
 roll_fs actually he has a keen interest in the quantum theory and everything time travel..
m_yusof_y i think time machine works for people to travel to the future, but not to the past. Why? logically, because we havent seen any people from the future. But, future people might have seen gus from NOW
m_yusof_y guys
roll_fs thats what i think also.. theory of relativity..

Famous quote from Einstein : "put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity". Anyway, i dunno if Einstein wanted to explain his theory of relativity here, or it's just common "relativity" things! :P Poor me!

roll_fs more logical to travel to the future.. like dracula.. sleep for few hundred years.. then wake up in the future..
roll_fs time travelling..
m_yusof_y and like Sherlock Holmes, who slept in time capsule in order to have a more complicated case?
m_yusof_y hehe!
m_yusof_y hey, if that the case, then we are now doing some time travelling what.
m_yusof_y but in a normal way
roll_fs actually yes.. but not fast forward..
m_yusof_y cant expedite the time tho.
m_yusof_y hehe!
m_yusof_y hey, why we want to make it fast anyway.
m_yusof_y hehehe!

I love this idea : we are currently doing time travelling! Normally. We move at leisurely paces. So, friends, please enjoy every moment of it. (Hmm, still my friend Dihah wishes to have time freezed! - Doraemon! Doraemon! :P)

roll_fs actually can.. if you can run faster than the speed of light..
m_yusof_y super human
m_yusof_y seperman!!!
m_yusof_y superman can actually do that, time travelling
roll_fs actually the flash is faster than superman.. and both also cannot go faster than the speed of light..
roll_fs u know the flash do you..?
m_yusof_m Yeah
m_yusof_y the stupid guys in red uniform
m_yusof_y dun like him
m_yusof_y hehe!
roll_fs anyway, back to the time travel..
roll_fs the butterfly effect.. something similar..
m_yusof_y nah!
roll_fs he cannot change the past for the better.. everytime he change something.. something worse will happen..

My notes (taken from internet): "The butterfly effect is the idea that in a chaotic system, a very small change to the system applied at a certain point in time makes the future change in a very dramatic way. Something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings now might affect the weather system on a global scale six months in the future."

m_yusof_y You should see what the differences between both terms. What each of them stressed for
roll_fs understand that.. but still its about we cannot change the past..
m_yusof_y of course we cannot change the past!
m_yusof_y unless you are in time looping
m_yusof_y like 1201 movies
m_yusof_y 12:01
roll_fs and also how we will make choices for the future..
m_yusof_y watched it?
roll_fs nope..
m_yusof_y HA HA
roll_fs vcd..?
m_yusof_y yeah
m_yusof_y kat rumah
roll_fs dun forget monday..!
m_yusof_y or if u have some brain illness like, hey, what taht movies called ek
m_yusof_y loves story
roll_fs which love story..?
m_yusof_y where he try to impress this girl
roll_fs a walk to remember..?
m_yusof_y but this girl have some mental prob
m_yusof_y every morning cant remember what was happened yerterday
m_yusof_y short memory
roll_fs 50 first dates.
m_yusof_y comedy
m_yusof_y owhh
m_yusof_y yeah
m_yusof_y heheeh!
m_yusof_y unless you have mental illness, then you can change the pass
m_yusof_y rephrase:
m_yusof_y unless you have mental illness, you cant change the pass
m_yusof_y hehe!
roll_fs pass or past..?
roll_fs hehe
m_yusof_y past

It seems that my opinion about time travelling is changing every second! :P Sorry, "mengelabit" entry! (It's just for fun!) Enuff said!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Bad Lecture: Comin's Law, and its application in life! :P

I surfed the other day to find something to elucidate and to satisfy my curiosity on Murphy's Law. And I found a nice page (here!) with a long list of laws and laws (god-knows-what!). Some are comical. Some are totally lunatic. But some do make sense. And, there where this Comin's Law attracted my attention.

Comin's Law stated that "people will accept your idea much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first". This is not very hard to understand since it has been explained in crystal clear language. And - I don't know for good or for bad - it's not very hard to apply either.

"Do you want to know something?"
"Well, mere chocs or flowers are enough to produce love. And that's what a survey by one of University in U.S. says"
"I see. Good then."

In above example, people accept your idea when the fact is that you don't even know if such survey does exist (you don't have to say Benjamin Franklin said it all the time rite? :P). It's your idea, and the idea comes using your commonsense. You're implying. You're guessing. You think your idea is correct so you guess no need for further reference.

Without "a survey by one of University in U.S. says", the conversation might turn out like this:

"Do you want to know something?"
"Well, mere chocs or flowers are enough to produce love."
"Who says that?"

This is not a good example. Sorry :P

There are a lot of essays or articles or speeches using "ahli bijak pandai ada mengatakan bahawa ..", "sejarah menunjukkan kepada kita bahawa ..", just to show a few examples, when they are actually don't have a clear ideas who those ahli bijak pandai or which part of the history they are referring to. To put those phrases will put extra value to their own ideas, or so they thought. :P It's still fine because the one who utilizes this kind of phrases are undoubtedly have brains. :P

So far, no much harm done.

Now, move to the variation of it, which I don't know whether it's still within the law's domain or not :P. This variation is of course much, much more hurtful - immensely if you take the implication into account. It's what we called "jual nama". It's not much apply on ideas, but on instructions, or some facts etc.

"Mat, boss suruh kau buat laporan pasal downtime hari tu" will create some action faster than "Mat, bleh tolong aku buatkan laporan pasal downtime hari tu?" Mat become the victim, but as long as he doesn't know that the boss actually asks the guy to do it, it's ok. But, people will start talking and referring to each other and sooner or later, the truth will come to the surface. So don't do this. You will perhaps be boycotted by others.

Worst is when you use other's name like ".. dia yang cakap!" or "dia kata .." and i don't want to discuss about this because i'm afraid someone will take it as Yusof's Law :P. Nah! I think, this is way, way out of scope! :P

To apply or not to apply is a matter of honesty. And use you brain. :P Apply at your own risk, albeit the risk is not so big!

That's all for today lecture. Class dismiss. :P

p/s: I might change my opinion about this, hehe!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

From "Lorong Neraka" To "Shrek 2" :P

How do you feel if someone takes something belong to you? Angry? Cool? Calm? Insulted? Intimidated? You don't have to tell me. Whatever it is, let me tell you a story. A real life story!

At about 5.15 p.m. last Friday, a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to watch theater - Lorong Neraka - that night, 8.30 p.m. , at Matic, Jalan Ampang (it's just next to Saloma if you don't know where it is!). According to her, several teratorian has confirmed their presence. I said "ok" after a long thought. :P

When I arrived there, Saloma has been engulfed by a loud music mainly to entertain foreigners, to show them how rich Malaysia with diversity of culture. Such cultural event is very interesting to discuss of course but that is story for another day :P Entering the Matic, the sound subsided. We - B, Mael and I - went straight to the theater room. Manzek and ND were already there. SueN, Daimlerz and Rudi called in saying they would be a little bit late.

It's ok. We have booked enough seats for all of us.

Hey!! It IS NOT OK! We learnt a bitter lesson: a booked seat is not yours until you sit on it.

Don't ask me "what the heck are you saying?" because you may find yourself lying peacefully on the bed at nearby hospital after hours of unconsciousness. (grrr!) :P Ok. Ok. Pardon me. I admit it's a valid question and I will answer it. Let me continue my story.

When we arrived at the table where we were supposed to collect our ticket, the person in charge informed us that all seats were fully occupied. We said "How come?" They explained that a group of VIPs came and asked for tickets, and they could not say "NO" so they gave our tickets to the VIPs. How nice! :P Argument would not help. Our willingness to sit on the floor also turned up to be futile since even that alternate place has no space left. How ironic! So sad since the parking ticket was RM 10, equal to ticket for the theater. :P

Who's to blame? Matic? The person in charge? Us? VIPs? I leave it to you to think :)

Nothing could be done. We decided to watch it some other night and bought the ticket. They promised to give us the best place, but that later to be observed since it is not only us - a lot of people stuck in front of the theater. Then we gambling our way walked to KLCC, full of hope so there were still tickets available for us to watch Shrek 2.

Yes, there were still tickets available for us and we have a nice day watching that funny movie. And we all lived happily ever after that night! :P

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

A Soulful Relationship!

Dear friends,

My gf ( *cayang Ain! Muaacchhss!* ) forwarded to me an email and it contained the following essay. I have been reading it again and again and been thinking about it. Something to reflect on. Read it line by line, words by words and feel it. I dunno much about love :P, but I think it's nice and i want to share it here :) It has been annotated nicely by my friend, SueN ( at terato's forum actually!) and me.


A Soulful Relationship
by Rev. Ronald McFadden

An African proverb states, "Before you get married, keep both eyes open, and after you marry, close one eye."

[[ SueN:
the tears had stung my eyes. i do not know why. for the past week, so much things happen between me and the people around me, including to the people i've trust all along. i had came to the point where i do not wanna talk about relationships. i stay away frm my friends who suddenly talked about it. some sort of escapism?

but then again, i haf to face reality.. dat as long as i'm being so low, being so insecure, i can't get myself to haf a long lasting relationship, even as friends. ]]

Before you get involved and make a commitment to someone, don't let lust, desperation, immaturity, ignorance, pressure from others or a low self-esteem, make you blind to warning signs. Keep your eyes open, and don't fool yourself that you can change someone or that what you see as faults aren't really important.

Once you decide to commit to someone, over time his or her flaws, vulnerabilities, pet peeves, and differences will become more obvious. If you love your mate and want the relationship to grow and evolve, you've got to learn to close one eye and not let every little thing bother you. You and your mate have many different expectations, emotional needs, values, dreams, weaknesses, and strengths. You are two unique individual children of God who have decided to share a life together.

[[ SueN:
yep, to close one eye and accept their flaws. but the thing is, if there isn't any chemistry between them, it wouldn't work because u can't expect TWO DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALS to click just like dat. even some people who haf same interest would bore each other out if the there's nothing dat could tie them up together. ]]

Neither of you are perfect, but are you perfect for each other? Do you bring out the best in each other?

[[ SueN:
dat's wat i said, chemistry! both of u can explode if the chemistry is there..! ]]

Do you compliment and compromise with each other, or do you compete, compare, and control? What do you bring to the relationship? Do you bring past relationships, past hurt, past mistrust, past pain? You can't take someone to the altar to alter him or her. You can't make someone love you or make someone stay.

[[ Polt:
My observation shows that people tend to have some pre-perception when they want to embark on a new relationship. They think this new guy or girl is same like the one they had before. How come? They are different person. Yes, of course you can be a little careful, but give him or her some times to show their own self.

yes, big mistake to bring ur past into the previous relationship. if u expect the other half to take away ur pain of the past, like by sulking all nite long just because he didn't call and u ACCUSE him going out wif other girls like ur ex, u are damn wrong! it is YOU who is responsible to let go of the past and try to live in the present.. coz i dun think these ppl would haf the patience to deal wif ur 'kerenah'.. yes, u hafta accept each others flaws, but not when u are disgraced by her lack of trust, even how hard u haf tried to earn.

so then again, u hafta learn to love urself first if u expect ppl to love u back. ]]

If you develop self-esteem, spiritual discernment, and "a life", you won't find yourself making someone else responsible for your happiness or responsible for your pain.

Manipulation, control, jealousy, neediness, and selfishness are not the ingredients of a thriving, healthy, loving and lasting relationship! Seeking status, sex, wealth, and security are the wrong reasons to be in a relationship.

What keeps a relationship strong?

Communication, intimacy, trust, a sense of humour, sharing household tasks, some getaway time without business or children and daily exchanges (a meal, shared activity, a hug, a call, a touch, a note).

[[ SueN:
small things in life. heh. appreciate them together. and certainly it will make a HUGE impact in ur lives. ]]

Leave a nice message on the voicemail or send a nice email.

Sharing common goals and interests. Growth is important. Grow together, not away from each other, giving each other space to grow without feeling insecure. Allow your mate to have outside interest. You can't always be together. Give each other a sense of belonging and assurances of commitment. Don't try to control one another. Learn each other's family situation. Respect his or her parents regardless.

[[ Polt:
Yes, when you commit, trust each other. Respect each other previleges, and space of life. ]]

Don't put pressure on each other for material goods. Remember for richer or for poorer. If these qualities are missing, the relationship will erode as resentment, withdrawal, abuse, neglect,dishonesty, and pain replace the passion.

The difference between 'United' and 'Untied' is where you put the 'i'.

[[ SueN:
yep... dun be selfish. dat's just it. u're talkin about the person u love most, so why should u be? and appreciate the effort dat ur other half has done for u. ]]

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Secret Window ... and MPD!

Secret Window - I watched this movie on Saturday at TGV Mines, 11.30 a.m. Disclaimer - if you haven't watched this movie yet, do not proceed reading this entry because it will ruin your fun :P Extremely!

Still want to read? It's your choice! Don't tell me i didn't warn you! :P

It is a story about a man who has a dual personality - Mr Mort Rainey. He's a writer. Six month after being cheated by his wife, a man named John Shooter appeared, and told him that he stole his story - Secret Window. Shooter threatened Rainey to change the ending of the story to his - which to him is much much better, and told the world that he was actually the one who wrote it. As Shooter put it, the argument would never end until one of them dead.

Dog killed. House burned to ashes. Anyone who wanted to interrupt found their last breath. Shooter was true to his words. The another option he gave was to bring the original copy of the magazine where the story was originally published as a proof, and he would give himself up to police. Anyway, the copy of the magazine posted to him by his agent has been sabotaged - all pages contained the story has been torn out.

Later he found the real answer. :) The connection between he and Mr Shooter.

I don't want to talk about Johnny Depp, who undoubtedly brought his character with great clarity. :P Rather, here we are : have you ever heard about MPD? Multiple Personality Disorder? Dictionarybarn.com told us that it is "a dissociative disorder in which two or more distinct conscious personality's alternately prevail in the same person, without any personality being aware of the other". So, that's what happened to Mr Mort Rainey. He didn't think that he, in his real self, would be able to do such things - murder and stuffs, which only resulting the other self in him took over and commited everything for him - and worst, without him realizing it (or didn't want to realize it!)

I've a lot more to say. But, read other review, ok? :P

Notice the phrase "without any personality being aware of the other" in the definition of MPD? HOW IF one is aware the existence of that one's other self? It's not MPD right? (Meaning, i'm normal rite? :P)

Which remind me to the Anthony Robbins (sorry because i didn't bring you to Freud, Jung or Adler :P). Why? I read his book, The Unlimited Power, and his lecture on the power of "state" really caught my attention. We should know ourselves. In one situation, we can be like this, and on the other situation, we can be like that. We can be so professional at one time, and we can be so nicely childlike (hehe!) at the other time, yeah, based on the situation. The important thing is that it is within our control - we can opt which one to put forward.

The reason is to put ourselves in the most resourceful state to deal with what in hand at that time. For example, when i enter chess tournament, i will imagine that i'm a grandmaster so i can play like one. When i have a meeting with CEO, i will imagine i'm a manager. Of course, in order to achieve a good result in doing this, we need preparation and training. :) I can train myself to be a dangerous and ingenious killer and later putting myself in that state and commit the crime!! :P (And people still think i'm nice since they know only the other self :P). It's like my premeditative identity!

Off topic. Sorry. :P

So, later, i read a discussion board on why this movie needs a second watch. They have listed their obervation to minute details, especially on the hint of the dual personality. Yeah, i will buy the DVD to check that!

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Happy Mother's Day!

Short update:
I dunno how to put it in flowery words. But, Mom, i luv u so much! Thanks for everything! I mean it, everything!

p/s: I did call my mom and Ain's. Listening to their "thanks" is enuff to make me happy :)

Saturday, May 08, 2004

10 questions i asked to Iqa

In one of my YM session with Iqa, we agreed to exchange 10 questions where we have to answer those questions in our own way - in our crazy and serious way! It is just for fun anyway. The questions could be anything so i sent mine to her and below were her answers. Hopefully, peeps, you will get to know her better :P

1.You are currently taking Electrical Engineering in UTM. Why do you choose this course? Is it because you did some market research on that and suddenly it affected your choice? Or is it just your parents' idea? What other course you would be taking if not this one?

Nope, it has nothing to do with my parents at all. It was fully my decision. I consulted my uncles (lecturers in the engineering field) and was told that electrical engineers are in demand (entah betul entah tak, but if it's not true we know who to blame! muahaha)

If I weren't doing this, I'd probably be studying medicine/dentistry in Jogja :) (nearly went there)

2.Everyone knows that your nick at terato forum is lady-rain. Why that nick? And how that nick affects the way you posted there? Erkk, do you think a nick will affect the way one post anyway?

Lady rain is my all time fav song. There's something about the cheesy lyrics that pulls me to it. Heard it for the first time when I was in primary school. You can say it's one of the earliest songs I've ever heard of (I don't hear much music back then unless you count the reggae music/Beatles/really really old music that my dad tortured us with :) good ones though )

Nope, it doesn't affect me in any way at all, my postings included. Though there were times I admit when I say I love the rain but no, I love clear days as much as I love rainy days.

Will nick affect postings? Nope, I don't think so.

3.What is the purpose of blogging to you? Hmmmm, and why we are sharing blog from your point of view?

Let's just say that I blog because I love writing though I'm not good at it.

Why a shared blog? Hahaha, till this day I don't know the exact reason. But the idea of sharing one with you, Mr Polt, is an honour. Plus, it's a bit different right? If I'm not able to update, there's always the other person :)

4.What was your ambition when you were a kid? Hmm, what is an ambition to you? Is it any importance?

Er, to become a doctor. Can I not answer this? It's depressing (sob, sob)

5.When you are alone and in your most calmest state, what will you think about? Your future? About the reality of life and some philosophy of it? Or something you have done? Have you ever worried about your future?

It depends. Most probably I'd be thinking of something that happened a few hours before I get all calm. Er, tah la, banyak benda.

6.What is the thing you hate most?

Okay, the thing that I hate most would be the finals. It's mainly because of the atmosphere at the time - everyone would act really creepy. Yes, strange things do happen when the exam's around the corner. Someone fell sick lah, couples broke up lah (it's none of my business, I know, but try and wail far away from me please) some idiot tries to annoy you lah, your things suddenly went missing lah, etc. Yes, I really hate that period.

7.I believe a lot of guys are trying to approach you, but as you claimed, you have still no boyfriend. Why is that so? What is the criteria you have set for that someone special? What does love means to you? When a guy "loves" a girl and the other way around, how to find whether the feeling is real, I mean, from your opinion?

No comment? :P

Why do I still have no boyfriend? Simple maa - I fancy no one at the moment (kerek tak answer ni? )

Criteria? You must be a Brandon Boyd look-alike to date me (also kerek)

I don't want to answer this Q la!

8.If a genie suddenly wants to grant you 3 wishes, what would they be?

1. More wishes
2. More wishes
3. More wishes

9.What is your favorite food? Wait. Cancel that question. Hmm, I love ice-cream and chocolate. Do you love ice-cream and chocolate? (ah! I should ask more serious stuff and do not squander this opportunity, right?)

Yes! I love both of them but I love chocs more :)

10.What is your advice to fellow human being on earth? (Erm, sorry! I'm from Mars and I don't have to listen to your advice! )

Dunia hanya sementara people (oh, that applies to you too Martian)

p/s: please take note that I couldn't answer all these Qs properly as I'm on hols right now. People who are on hols don't act sober. How could they when they don't even know what day is today?

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