
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Internet Freak

Taken from [[here]] . My annotation in red:

You know you're an internet freak when...

  • You refer to yourself and your friends with names such as "pimpdaddy2000" and "sugarbaby14" on the phone.
    // OMG! I think people start calling me mr Polt here and there!
  • You have met more people online than you know in real life.
    // This is soooo true. We have a lot of friend online. Some of them become so intimate yet we have not met them yet. Who cares.
  • You constantly type between *stars* to express emotion or your actions. *rolls eyes*
    // Hehe! Always. Undeliberately following others, especially my sis Dihah yg comel :P
  • You use LOL, WBS, LMAO, JK, YGM, or any other net abbreviations, in real life.
    // In writing, yes! But, have you ever heard someone laughing like this: "LOL" -- i mean, with the exact similar pronounce? I think i've :P
  • Your chair has an ass-groove because you have nothing better to do than sit in it.
  • You have your own email, webpage, every possible messenger, a message post/board, your own chat, and a telnet talker.
    // I've webpage at Geocities. In addition, i've a shared blog. I'm using Yahoo Messenger regularly and sometimes, MSN Messenger. I own Yahoo, Hotmail and Lycos mail accounts. Hurm! And terato and Netscape mails too altho i dun think i use them. :P I'm teratorian and post in the forum now and then. I join several online group like Malaysia-chess, sck9697 etc. Argghh.. ! Hehe! But still, they are manageable! Dun worry yah! :P
  • You spend 4 hours or more online each day, on a regular basis.
    // Hahaha! 4 hours? More than that. Being online is my job. ( I dunno in my new company la! :P)
  • You are outraged if someone doesn't message you back, and you spam them with hate mail.
    // Sometimes, yes. But, we have to think positively: the reason being, their line is suck at that very moment :P
  • You seem to value what people on the other side of the country think of you, whom you will most likely never meet anyways, and you burst into tears if Jiggy007 doesn't say goodbye to you.
  • You've met more than twenty 17/f/blonde/blue eyes/skinny/big boobs/professional model people in chats.
  • You acctually believe they're all big-breasted, blond models.
  • You threaten to punish someone by banning them from your internet club or talker, as if it will affect their lives deeply. (oh boo hoo!)
    // sounds familiar! :P
  • You openly admit your a looser, and rejoice in it.
  • You dominate all chats and clubs, because you know everyone.
    // It hards sometimes to join other groups when they have already known each other, and you are a new member in that group.
  • Everyone refers to you as "that cyber bitch" because of your incessent need to challenge everyone with your opinions
  • You think that cybersex counts as loosing your viginity.
  • You have imaginary cyber babies with your cyber boyfriend/girlfriend. You name them.
    // :P How about cyber pet?
  • Your eyes hurt from staring at the screen, and there's a buildup of dishes on your desk. You haven't seen the light of day in a while.
    // Yeah. Soo true, it happens to me. Yay, i'm a computer freak :P
  • You imposter people, ie. Celebrities, on a regular basis.
    // Erk!
  • You SPEAK IN ALL CAPITALS BECAUSE IT'S COOL. Or you condemn those who do,
    saying that they're huritng your ears. (It's friggen typing, how the heck does that hurt your ears?)
    // Haha! All in capital isn't cool. It simply means people speak loudly. And it hurts my eyes more than my ears. :P There are people who dunno what it means to write in capital, when they do so, misunderstanding always occurs - like we think thay are angry, or the message is urgent etc :P
  • Your nickname is garnished with ~'s and *'s and such.
  • You take your rank as an Admin. in a chat VERY seriously, as if it were a real profession.
    // I dunno. I'm not an admin :P But, i've seen several who just as mean as that :P
  • You think you're God, because you're the owner or founder of a chat/talker.
  • YEW DUN SPELL RITE N-E-MORE. And you acctually understand that.
    // Hehehe! A lot of example! Assignment=esemen, catch up=kecap etc. :P But, that's not mine. :P
  • You get in a bad mood if you're away from your computer for more than 10 hours.
    // No! Well, sometimes :P
  • You demand a picture from everyone, and you're always posting usless pictures of yourself. "Here's my left big-toe.."
    // Long time ago, i used to ask for pics. But, not anymore :P Getting tired of it.
  • When you're not online, you're thinking about, or talking about what you do online.
    // Yeah. Sometimes, i feel very uncomfortable when i haven't online for one day! Now, that's a serious symptom! :P


Monday, July 26, 2004

Inter-company Transfer

Short Update:
Today, i received letter of appointment and inter-company transfer from Dagang Net Technologies Sdn Bhd (UEM is one of DNT shareholder), stating that i will be transferring there effective 1 August 2004 as Technology Support Executive. For your information, the office is located at HP Towers, Bukit Damansara.

After 3 years and about 6 months working in current company, new environment may enrich my experience. Wish me all the best of luck! :)

Friday, July 23, 2004

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Jonathan Livingston Seagull - A Story
by Richard Bach.
Avon books. 127 pages.

I read this book for the first time when i was in form 5. It was meant for my book review assignment for my English class. I guess, I chose this book because it was thin and simple and i would be able to read it in one seat. Only later i found that despite its simplicity, it contains what those thick motivation books have to offer. I bought my own copy long time ago and read it again and again since then. (You can find the full text here!)

I should say reading this book is a refreshing experience. It shows the value of self-improvement and self-perfection in our daily life.

The story focuses on Jonathan, a seagull. He finds that life is more than finding food day in day out. To him, it is more than that. He thinks: "Instead of our drab slogging forth and back to the fishing boats, there's a reason to life! We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly!". So he learns how to fly better. He tries to find reasons every time he fails on mastering certain technique, figures out what goes wrong, and later try again until he succeeds. Never one second he satisfies with what he has achieved. He really looks for perfection!

It is not easy though. He faces resistance from his mom and dad and his flock. One day, he tries to show to his flock how they - seagull - can get more foods by mastering flying techniques and only to find they do not like it. To them, he breaks the traditional way. The flock cannot distinguish between breaktrough and breaking ways they have adopted for years.

The elder in the flock makes Jonathan an outcast. He says that Jonathan is a shame to Gull Family. 

He is sad but he learns still and meets other outcast. He finds seagull with better technique and learns from them. Until he has a real mastery on how to fly. The mastery helps him in simplifying his ways to take simpler tasks like catching fish, and that is what his flock cannot see.

No! He is not stopping there. Yes, he has mastered the technique but he still thinks of his flock. He wants to teach them that by taking time to learn, all other matters will become handy. His friend thinks that it is futile but Jonathan believes there must be some way to change their perception. Off he go, and later he succeeds.

What i wrote above of course not as entertaining as reading the original text :P But i hope u get the ideas.

You see, in daily life, we must find reasons for our doing. (In chess, trainers always tell their students to find purposes for every move they made). We must think of ways to improve ourselves. We must learn anything we think that can make our job easier. Once we fails, we must find the cause of the failure,  and find the right way. Once we succeed, we must think of others and teach them of our findings. We must not become so selfish and think of no one but ourselves.

What a lesson!

This book was written in 1970. It still being published until now. What that's supposed to mean? It's classic!! A lot of people find some inspiration through it. A lot of people just like Rad Bradbury: "Richard Bach with this book does two things. He gives me Flight. He makes me young".


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Small Creation :P

This pic has been created by one of my friend. I think most of teratorian know her. I should say it is cute. I wonder, is she in the mood of wanting being loved by someone dear to her? Anyway, i guess, Hallmark should hire this girl to come up with brilliant ideas and create more lovely cards for them :P

In terato YM conference session, she explained:
" hmm
bukan la
itu kan sweet kiss
kalau boy kiss, dah biasa
sweet ke?
so, we turn to other side
kiss pipi..sweet per
pastu tagline dier
'i love EVERYTHING about you' "

Friday, July 16, 2004


I get this when i did sites-hopping (here!)

What makes life 100% ??

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


8 1 18 4 23 15 18 11 = 98 % Only

11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7 5 = 96 % Only


1 20 20 9 20 21 4 5 = 100 % 

My note:

Sorry if i bore you with this topic! :P I don't actually like to talk about motivational stuff directly, but i can't help myself on this one. Simply because it's one of the most basic things. And i believe, if you want really take care of a tree, take care of its root first :)

To be frank, i didn't really recalculate, and see whether the calculation is correct. Why should i when that's not the main point. The one who came up with this isn't a number freak - rather, he was trying to show us that attitude is more important than hardwork and knowledge.
I can't see how an individual or an organisation can move forward without the right attitude.  

It's sad to see how educated people don't have right attitude. They blame the world for their failure when the very problem they face is actually come from themselves. They never stop whining day in day out talking about problem on their way; blaming other people for something that turn out not to be as they like; not admitting the mistake they actually do; giving 1001 reasons when the goals are hard to achieve, etc. 
Even a big organisation will stumble when this thing happens.  

A lot of problem our country facing right now are due to attitude problem. Like the increasing number of accidents. Like the increasing number of crime among teenagers. You can list them down. 

William James says: "the greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. As you think, so shall you be. Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."
Viktor Frankl told us the story on how he and the other who lived in concentration camps could remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.  

If you want to change something, first change the attitude. If you want to get something, first change the attitude.

Right attitude can attract many good things to us. Plus, it's free of charge. No cost at all. No consultation fees needed.

Sounds soooo book!  But, it's up to us to make its practical. To change our bad attitude, and to influence others to change their bad attitude. 
Yes, i admit, it's hard! BUT, we have attitude problem if we don't try. :P

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Nice Avatars!!

I want to put pictures in entries. So, let's begin with this. The lovely avatar owned by teratorian.







Cute, dun you agree? :P

Monday, July 12, 2004

On how a blog affects one's life

Let's begin with a question:
How do you think a blog can affect one's life?

I happened to read Pick Yin's "Life Is Great" with absolute interest. I find this blog rather thoughtful in most of its entries. For July 10, she told us how her blog affected someone's life. The story started when it happened that on June 21, she wrote about "My Take on Polygamy in Islam". A reader read it and redirected the pages to her friend, who contemplating on taking a second wife. In the email to the owner of the blog, the reader wrote: "After reading all the comments, he was a bit insaf. After a week, he said 'I don't think I will proceed'. ([For] whatever reasons that might be.)"

In one example given by Biz Stone, written for blogger.com: "Salam Pax blogged from Iraq with bombs exploding all around him. The whole thing with the bombing and the fighting and the explosions is not always a good way to go but in this case it worked out for Salam. It turns out people wanted to hear what was really going on over there and not just watch television news about how great America is." It was a first hand experience; someone wrote it and it was being read worldwide and made people realize the real situation. It changed the perception of many.

These are serious examples.

How do you think a blog can affect one's life?

Perhaps, it comes from a simple note or short list, which turn out to be very helpful. Like "10 ways how to save your money" i read the other day! (forget from whose blog :P).

Or from the pictures they take and put in the blog. Or jokes they share.

Nobody knows when it happens, when something will, out of nowhere, affects us and changes our life.

Therefore, when a blogger share their ideas or experiences, we should have fun reading and sincerely think about it. Then, we should be able to draw our own opinion and later, perhaps, we can share our opinion and experience with others if there is "comment" part included. Both parties should open-minded enough about this and by this exchanging process, both parties will get the benefit from the little blog created.

Or at the very least, we can take that as a friendly gesture, a contact that will make us closer. No harm done.

(Having written this, i still don't really care whether people are seriously reading my blog or not. :P The rules number 10: Relax! :P)

So, back to the question:
How do you think a blog can affect one's life?

I think, now, you are able to tell me how :P

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Random Topics

Sorry for such a long interval between entries. Anyway, this entry is dedicated to Aan who very nice to be the update beggar of the week. :P Hurm! Hihi! She wrote at the tagboard: "Update! Update! Dah ulang baper kali 10 tips tu, tapi tak amal gak! 'write often' ". I was like being slapped on the face! :P Damn, baru ingat, i still owe her her birthday present! ( i'm waiting for my engagement and if she doesn't gimme present, then it's 0-0. So, no need to give, muahahaha! erk! :P )

Since Aan likes a lighter entry, so here we go:

Euro 2004 : "A Greek theory to beware"

As we know, last Monday morning (M'sia time), Greece beat Portugal to become the winner of Euro 2004, 1-0. Against all odds, they overcame one game after another and they did it with his defensive style.

A lof of people loves attacking style and opted to support Portugal that night. I was behind Greece's back.

Anyway, the title above was taken from an article at SkySports. In the article, the writer stated that "German tactician Rehhagel amply demonstrated what can be achieved by constructing a team whose primary target appears to be stopping the opposition from scoring." and then he asked a question: "True, this is an important facet of football but is this defensive-minded, negative outlook the vision for the game which should be promoted?".

This question of course makes the world think whether "fun to watch" is more important than "winning". Wait, why didn't they think that watching people defencing is as entertaining as watching people attacking? Wait, again. I don't think that Greece lacks of attacking skill at all. It is only they chose to play defensively and attacked when the time was right.

It's up to them to play any style they like. The style they chose is not new, and it has been in the textbook long time ago. A lot of team has adopted it, but with little success. This team on the other hand adopted it with flying color, made the giant team stumbled on their feets.

Sun Tzu in the Art of War told us the importance of knowing when to attack and when to retreat. He wrote, "the general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom." That's what Greece did in this tournament!

p/s: I dunno why suddenly people are really looking for materials on Greek myth and stuff. :)

Spent RM 20,000 on SMS Contest

The Sun front page for yesterday revealed how a part-time agent spent RM 19,613.25 in an SMS contest ("Jom! Senang Mesti Menang"). She hoped to win the Grand Prize of a four-wheel drive but ended up only got the second proze of Suzuki VR125 worth RM6,143.40. How unfortunate!

To make the things worse, she went to the Consumer Claims Tribunal to get her money back. But, her claim has been rejected. She should accept the fact that the winners were chosen based on the best slogan and not the number of SMS sent.

Nowadays, a lot of transaction based on SMS has been introduced. Contest, voting, info etc. Heyy, you know what the word "afundi" means right? :P I dunno, how much the telecommunication company making money based on that.

How about having donation through SMS? It will be charged in the bill and the money will be donated to the needed. We can choose either RM 10 per SMS or how. Or is it already existed? If so, poor me for not knowing :P

It is easy to squander money nowadays, right?

Torrent and my Poirot Collection

I should blame this to Aan! :P She taught me about torrent and told me how good it is to download big files using torrent.

I happened to be Agatha Christies fan and when i found a website where a lot of Poirot's series available to be downloaded, i thought i just hit the jackpot. I loves Poirot, so i put other things in the bottom of the list and download all the series first. So far, i finished almost 20 of them. Crazy!

Wait! Dun ask me "Who is Poirot?" :P

Chess World Championship

Currently the FIDE World Chess Championship is underway where it's come in it's final stage. Two player who passed the elimination process faced each other competing for the title. By the time i wrote this, Rustam Kasimdzhanov, 24 years old, the top Uzbekistani player leads 1 1/2 - 1/2 against 32 years old and England's top GM, Michael Adams, after winning the second game. The first game is draw.

Kasimdzhanov, like Greece, is underdog, 27th seeded in this tournament. He has already won against top seeded and big names in his way to the final. He is only 2652 Elo rated while Adams is 2731 (2nd seeded in this tournament). For comparison, Kasparov is 2817 ELO rating.


Aan crazy! (This sub topic doesn't mean to be here!)

Thursday, July 01, 2004

On Selecting a Dictionary

Yesterday, i read a short acticle in The Sun (which you can get for free), pg. 16 on how to choose a dictionary to suit us.

Currently, i own only two dictionary: COBUILD (stands for Collins Birmingham University International Language Database), and Oxford Fajar (English-Malay, Malay English), 2nd Edition. If i do online, i always refer to dictionary.com. I love COBUILD because it explains the meaning in simple way, and the examples on how to use the words are extensive.

Below is the said article:

Selecting a dictionary

WITH so many titles out there, choosing a dictionary can be difficult. Here is Gwyneth Fox's advice.

"The common mistake people make in choosing a dictionary is that they always look for something that is big and prestigious," she says.

"That should not be the case. In reality, you should choose a dictionary that fits your needs. For example, if you are interested in the language of Shakespeare, then the Oxford dictionary is what you should look for. In the same vein, if you are an architecture student, get a dictionary that specialises in architecture terms.

"Also, if you are a school student, go for the Macmillan School Dictionary, as it has been specially written for school students who learn their curriculum subjects in English," Fox adds.

If you wonder why the words you try to find the meaning are always not in the dictionary; or you think that you could not understand the definition given, or the definition given does not suitable in the context; or you find that you hardly understand what two IT Techs are discussing; then you should start agree with Gwyneth Fox and follow her advice. :)

Big one does't mean it has good explanation for the words.

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